My-self is calling

Ana Sofia
3 min readNov 24, 2020

When you go to a bookstore, many things happen.

Yes, your favorite latte and cookie get ready for you, along with the pile of books that you are about to read. The silence surrounds you completely. Maybe you discover something new. You might glance at some magazines. But what is the magic of it?

Is there magic!?


I don’t know about you, but visiting a bookstore is an adventure for me. I can spend a whole day there. Walking around isles, wondering over covers, reading, and re-reading examples in my hand while I judge if they deserve my money to be taken home.

But is not only money that makes me take the book, but its energy.

I am pretty old-fashioned about it. I don’t like buying books online. It does not work for me. I like to grab it, smell it, open it randomly, study it, and determine If I want it by my bed when the night arrives. When you look for a book on Amazon you can hardly feel its essence. Not talking about reading PDFs! Doesn’t matter if it’s cheaper or free. The experience worths it.

While I walk around, my view gets happily overwhelmed. Any title could catch my attention, I don’t know it. I don’t know those words hidden by the cover. Many times, I pick whatever calls me. That is magical already. You don’t choose books. They choose you.



Ana Sofia

Young and multi-skilled. Just want to make the best out of this short time.